
Our Products

Pipeline-neutral. ETRM-neutral. Shipper-neutral.

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gNOMGas NominationsSend automated noms to 100+ pipes from your custom Excel spreadsheet or from your ETRM system (e.g. Endur, Allegro, FIS Aligne, PCI, etc.). Eliminate hand-typing of noms. Nom One & Done!Product Details
gSCHEDScheduled QuantitiesRetrieve automated scheduled quantities from pipes and upload them automatically every cycle every day into your ETRM system (e.g. Endur, Allegro, FIS Aligne, PCI, etc. Eliminate manual scraping of scheduled quantities from each pipe.Product Details
gXCHANGECapacity ReleasesReal time capacity release Bids, Offers, and Awards from 160+ pipesProduct Details
gTARIFFPipeline TariffsRetrieve standardized tariffs from 200+ interstate and intrastate pipes and upload them directly into your ETRM system (e.g. Endur, Allegro, FIS Aligne, PCI, etc.). Eliminate manual hand-typing.Product Details
gTRANPipeline Transactional ReportingMonitor and retrieve "Transactional Reporting" data from 165+ pipes to capture profit opportunities for Firm and Interruptible capacity plus parks/loans.Product Details
gINVOICEShipper InvoicesPipeline Invoice Automation. Retrieve standardized invoices from multiple interstate and intrastate pipes and upload them directly into your ETRM system (e.g. Endur, Allegro, FIS Aligne, PCI, etc.). Eliminate manual hand-typing.Product Details
gSTORAGEShipper Storage StatementsRetrieve your daily storage injection/withdrawal activity from all pipes including fuel paid, gas-in-ground, ratchets, etc in a standardized format from multiple interstate and intrastate pipes and upload them directly into your ETRM system (e.g. Endur, Allegro, FIS Aligne, PCI, etc.). Eliminate manual hand-typing.Product Details
gMETERShipper Meter DataMonitor & upload your daily meter data & plant burns (including rec/del locations, pressure data, carbon/nitrogen content, etc in a standardized format from multiple interstate and intrastate pipes directly into your gas measurement system (e.g. Flocal) or ETRM system (e.g. Endur, Allegro, FIS Aligne, PCI, etc.). Eliminate manual hand-typing.Product Details
gNOTICEPipeline NoticesReal time Critical, Non Critical, and Open Season notices from 160+ pipes. Our powerful A.I. tool scans all incoming notices and projects them onto a Google calendar so you can be reminded of pipeline constraints by pipe and by date. Increase cash trading profits.Product Details
gCAPPipeline Operational CapacityReal time pipeline flow data in a standardized format from multiple interstate and intrastate pipes to help you monitor individual interconnects or groups of interconnects to identify constraints and trading opportunities. For e.g., you can be auto-alerted via email when the Cheniere LNG plant ramps up/down.Product Details
gINDEXIndex of CustomersA consolidated Index of Customers published quarterly by aggregating data in a standardized format across 165+ pipes. Identify which shipper’s contracts are coming up for renewal. Identify active shippers to trade with. Enhance your origination efforts.Product Details
gIMBALANCEShipper ImbalancesAvoid pipeline imbalance penalties. Retrieve imbalances from multiple pipes in a standardized format directly into your Excel spreadsheet or upload them into your ETRM system (e.g. Endur, Allegro, FIS Aligne, PCI, etc.). Eliminate manual hand-typing. Track imbalances by pipe, by service requestor contract, by location, by flow date, and by other custom criteria.Product Details
gAUTOFor Non-EDI Pipes/UtilitiesFor those pipes/utilities which do not offer EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), we offer a proprietary product for connecting with these pipes/utilities. This product involves a software bot (robot) built and maintained by us. To see a demo of this product which involves Robotic Process Automation (RPA), please click on the "Product Details" button.Product Details

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