
Automated Pipeline Noms gNOM

Multi-Pipeline Scheduling Dashboard: Our most popular product! Nom 1 & done!
Nom all pipes from 1 Dashboard with 1 click. Save time. Reduce errors.
Automate Noms. Eliminate hand-typing
Don't waste time visiting 50 different pipeline EBBs daily
Real Time Nom Accept/Reject Status. Nom multiple pipes with 1 click!
Noms auto-fed into your internal systems
Auto-renom feature. See firm-wide noms for all schedulers on 1 screen (optional)
Noms encrypted for security per NAESB standards
Proven to work with all FERC pipelines
1 Excel upload for all pipes
Use our phone app to nom any pipe
Facebook-type app. No Citrix/Java!
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront. Free Trial
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Automated Scheduled Qtys gSCHED

Your scheduled quantities from all pipes! Without having to login or scrape each EBB
Sched qtys from all pipes for all cycles and all schedulers on 1 Dashboard!
Avoid logging into each EBB
Don't waste time visiting 50 different pipeline EBBs daily
Avoid having to scrape scheduled quantities from PDFs from each pipe
Data auto-fed into your internal systems
Scheduled quantities received automatically every cycle
Scheduled quantities encrypted for security
Proven to work with all FERC pipelines
1 Excel download for all pipes
Use our phone app to view any pipe
Facebook-type app. No Citrix/Java!
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront. Free Trial
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Capacity Release Exchange gXCHANGE

Get instant alerts whenever any Capacity Release is available on any pipeline
View Capacity Release Bids, Offers, & Awards in real time
Now available on ICE Connect!
Don't waste time monitoring each EBB. Automate!
Cherry pick from over 50,000 Cap Releases per year
Capacity worth over $500 million/yr
Bids/Offers refreshed automatically. Set pipeline-level alerts
Awarded Capacities auto-fed into your in-house system
Alerts via email or via browser pop ups
1 Excel download for all pipes
Use our phone app to view any pipe
Data updated in real-time
NAESB Certified
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront. Free Trial
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Automated Pipeline Tariffs gTARIFF

Real time tariff feed from all pipes
Eliminate pain point of manually updating tariffs
Push tariff changes from every pipe automatically into your gas system
All tariffs in 1 standardized format
Includes Demand, Commodity, Fuel, Surcharges, etc.
Includes ALL Rate Schedules used by ALL Pipes/LDCs. Inter- & Intra-state
U.S., Canadian, & European markets
Eliminate month-end mismatches to pipeline invoices
Set custom tariff email alerts by pipe & rate schedule
Tariff change alerts via email or API
1 Excel download for all pipes
Tariffs auto-fed into your gas system
Pre-built APIs connect to any ETRMs
Receive weekly tariff newsletter via email
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront. Free Trial
Product Details

Our products are now also available on ICE Connect! Contact your ICE sales rep to turn on access.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! If you're not satisfied in the first 90 days, get a full refund of your subscription fees. No Questions Asked!



Aggregated Transactional Reporting from all pipes on 1 dashboard.
In a standardized format from all inter-state and intra-state pipes
Be the first to grab trade opportunities offered by pipeline reps!
Covers all firm, interruptible, and park/loan trades
Don't waste time scraping data from each EBB
Contains all transactional details e.g. price, volume, fee paid, K#, etc.
Enhance your profits!
See which traders snagged deals
Set custom email alerts for your pipes
Transactional Reporting Automated!
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront.
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Automated Invoices from all pipes on 1 dashboard.
In a standardized NAESB format from all pipes
All Pipeline Monthly Invoices delivered via 1 API
Streamed from each pipeline straight to you
Encrypted so even we can't see your data
Don't waste time scraping invoices from each EBB
Contains all your final flow volumes
Includes all invoice line items
Includes all flow days in the month
Monthly Invoices Automated!
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront.
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Your Storage activity from all pipes on 1 dashboard.
In a standardized NAESB format from all pipes
All Pipeline Storage statements delivered via 1 API
Streamed from each pipeline straight to you
Encrypted so even we can't see your data
Don't waste time scraping balances from each EBB
Contains all daily injections/withdrawals
Includes fuel, storage balances, etc.
Includes all flow days in the month
Storage Automated!
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront.
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Your Meter reads from all pipes on 1 dashboard.
In a standardized NAESB format from all pipes
All Pipeline Meter statements delivered via 1 API
Streamed from each pipeline straight to you
Encrypted so even we can't see your data
Don't waste time scraping meter data from each EBB
Contains hourly & daily meter data
Includes both Volume & Energy
Includes all flow days in the month
Meter Data Automated!
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront.
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Real-time Critical, Non Critical, & Open Season Notices from all pipes on 1 dashboard. Set keyword alerts
Spot market-moving constraints. Trade early. Increase P&L!
Don't waste time scraping data from each EBB
Set SMART alerts with keywords e.g. ``OFO`` or ``Force Majeure``
Don't get bombarded with alert emails
Set pipeline-level alerts
Be first to discover pipeline constraints
Alerts via email or inside our app
Data updated in real-time
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront. Free Trial
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``Operationally Available Capacities`` and ``Unsubscribed Capacities`` from all pipes on 1 dashboard
Get alerted when someone buys Firm Capacity. Trade early. Increase P&L!
Don't waste time scraping data from each EBB
Set SMART alerts e.g. ``when Point XYZ is 18% constrained, then alert me``
Whittle alerts to your key points/pools
Set meter-level or pipeline-level alerts
Be first to discover point constraints
Alerts via email or inside our app
Data updated every cycle
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront. Free Trial
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``Index of Customers`` from all pipes on 1 dashboard. Drill down by Pipe, Shipper, K#, MDQ, Rec/Del, Tenor
Target Shippers by volume. Discover new Shippers. Drive revenue!
Don't waste time scraping data from each EBB
Analyze a Shipper's volumes across pipes. Spot Shipper concentrations
Track expiring Shipper contracts
Track who is buying what on which pipe
Enhance your sales/origination efforts
Analyze Shipper trends across time
Data updated each month
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront. Free Trial
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Your Imbalances from all pipes for all your schedulers on 1 dashboard. Imbalances Automated!
In a standardized NAESB format from all pipes
All Pipeline Imbalances delivered via 1 API
Streamed from each pipeline straight to you
Encrypted data per NAESB standards
Don't waste time scraping each EBB
Avoid pipeline imbal penalties
Includes all service requestor contracts
Includes all flow days in the month
Call For Price/per month. $0 Upfront.
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